Your voice matters: Speak up for children with epilepsy at school

Over 16,000 people signed our #UnderstandMyEpilepsy petition to make sure children with epilepsy are safe and included at school. Thank you for your support.

We’re now asking people to send a message to their elected representatives, so they know this issue matters to the people they represent.

Send your message

Your voice is really powerful because these people have a responsibility to represent your interests and concerns. They can raise this issue directly with government ministers on your behalf.

Your message will help push UK governments to take action on school support for children with epilepsy.

What do we want the government to do?

We want education ministers to make sure schools have an Individual Healthcare Plan (IHP) for every child with epilepsy.

IHPs are a lifeline. They help school staff understand each child’s epilepsy, ensure their safety, and pave the way for full inclusion in every school activity.

1 in 3 children with epilepsy are not getting the support they need to participate fully at school.

Seizures missed or mistaken for not paying attention; school staff unaware of what to do when a seizure happens; children unnecessarily excluded from learning, sports and trips.

Government guidance for schools needs to be made clearer so every child with epilepsy gets the support they need through an IHP.

Take action today and send your message.